It’s true that Anno keeps a wicked rapier behind the bar to discourage patrons that get out of hand. But he tries not to use it unless absolutely necessary. (What’s he doing, keeping bar? I’m afraid we have to wait until Book Four of the Dragonish series…) Read more →
Words of Wisdom from Granny Maberly
Chasing the Grimm Reaper Exceeded Expectations
Chasing the Grimm Reaper pits the reader against the unknown killer of the Fairy Godmother. Yes, the Fairy Godmother. But don’t worry: You have the aid of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the weird and wonderful world known as Sagaland, where fairy tale denizens accept the existence of Real Worlders about as much as smarter children and adults accept the… Read more →
Interview with Anno the Tarn
In this post, I attempt to interview Anno Einarsson, exiled Tarn and editor of the ‘The Daily Dredger’ , ‘The Weekly Wailer’ and other scintillating broadsheets about Granny Maberly. As is common with anything to do with Anno or Granny, it did not go as expected. MM: Anno, you were going to bring us an interview with Granny Maberly… Read more →
Two New, Exclusive “Granny Maberly” Yuletide Stories
This holiday season you can find not just one, but TWO new Granny Maberly/Dragonish stories, The Hawthorn Tree and Silent Knight – plus many more Winter/Christmas stories – on Katharina Gerlach’s wonderful, free Indie Author’s Advent Calendar 2016. How does this work? Simply click on the correct date every day and unlock a brand new story for each day of advent. … Read more →
When Authors Kill
Perhaps I am being unfair in blaming J. K. Rowling for starting a trend in killing off important characters we care about, but ever since she iced Sirius Black and Fred Weasley, other authors seem to have jumped on that bandwagon with glee. Perhaps I should really blame George R. R. Martin (“Game of Thrones” to television buffs); whose slaughter… Read more →
“Creating Character Arcs”: The Definitive Book?
If you haven’t met author K.M. Weiland before, you are in for a treat—and that applies whether you like to read Fantasy novels or books on writing. She flips from fiction to non-fiction with practiced ease and absolute mastery. She is one of the most readable authors around, whether she is telling a gut-grabbing story or simplifying the craft of… Read more →
Tales of Mist and Magic is Finally Live at Amazon
They say there are no more dragons—but Granny Maberly knows better. At ninety-four turns old, Granny’s seen more than her share of strange beings in her travels as matriarch to a headstrong Wagonwalker clan. And she’s lived long enough to know that not all monsters have horns (or tusks). Immortal Tarn who fall woefully short of legend; cannibal Moraggim haunting… Read more →
Interview with Ushguk
Sometimes we all make mistakes. Mine was in allowing Ushguk to be interviewed by Anno the Tarn last week. Ushguk and Anno are just two of the characters from the Island of Dragonish – the world where my future fantasy novel series takes place. I was so busy revising my upcoming Dragonish trilogy that I thought I’d let Anno interview… Read more →
A Room in the Pines
Inspiration comes from the strangest places. When I was growing up in Glasgow – all grey, soot-stained tenements, gangs, and spit on the sidewalks – my mother sometimes reminisced about her stay in “the sanitarium”. This was an isolation hospital specifically for those suffering from tuberculosis. When she was sixteen, she and her fiancé, George Robinson, were walking up a hill with their bicycles… Read more →